DOF will work close with students from the technical university, NTNU and the business university NHH. The students will be guided by various professor within the area in close cooperation with DOF and TERRAVERA. The objective of the project is to build a model that is suitable for scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.
Any company will at some point need to objectively prove the effects and potential advantages of their products or services, with respect to sustainability. For this purpose, Terravera will serve as a good partner – to learn and develop scientifically proven tools to prove and communicate this to customers, says Jotun.
Mestergruppen - Scandinavias largest concern within building materials trade, house chain operation for housing contractors and property development. In cooperation with Mestergruppen we work with general sustainability models for the building of a garage to better understand how much CO2-emissions there will be related to the production of different kinds of concrete.